Simple and Timeless

Consistent graphic elements are crucial for a strong brand presentation, especially throughout a user interface. Custom icons designed that reflect on a brand image can make the UI more authentic.

Designing custom icons at ArtVersion office.

Custom Icons

An increasing number of Fortune 500 companies and software development teams recognize the significance of proprietary custom icons. Icons for interfaces, graphs, charts, and diagrams are instrumental in brand representation. At ArtVersion, we craft custom icons that embody your corporate identity’s unique elements. Our portfolio includes innovative, bespoke icons for prominent companies such as Tandberg, Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Trustwave, Interactyx Limited, TVedia, Ricoh, and others.
Authenticity in your software’s user interface enhances brand recognition significantly. Streamlining the interface with customized, task-oriented iconography ensures your platform’s unmistakable identity. It is well-established that branded icons, designed intentionally, foster familiarity and cohesion with the brand.
ArtVersion goes beyond mere design; our custom icons and infographics are meaningful and specifically tailored for your application, incorporating brand elements and a corporate color palette. They don’t just complement the user interface—they engage users with the platform. We blend innovative illustration techniques with intuitive and professional design elements, ensuring that the custom icons we create are a true reflection of your company.

Every icon we design is meticulously conceptualized to align with user expectations and strengthen the brand narrative. Our designs are not just visually appealing; they are strategic touchpoints that enhance user interaction and brand experience. By integrating your brand’s ethos and color palette, each icon serves as a unique ambassador of your corporate identity, facilitating a deeper connection with your audience.

With ArtVersion, you gain access to a team dedicated to custom icon design that fully embodies your brand’s design language. Our goal is to ensure that each icon we create for you becomes an integral part of your brand’s story and user engagement strategy.

Let our design team at ArtVersion craft your next set of custom icons.

Custom icons are the silent ambassadors of a brand's ethos, translating its vision into a universal language understood at a glance.